A number of people have contributed to the success of HyperContent
Alex Vigdor
HyperContent Architect and Project Manager
Alex came to Columbia University in Y2K with a background in web application development, graphic design, and music. He is a participant in the uPortal developer community, and a collaborator on the team that produces myColumbia, the web portal for the Columbia community. Alex is the architect and project manager for HyperContent, an open-source software platform used to manage many web sites around Columbia, and can usually be found presenting on the subject at JA-SIG conferences.
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Adam Carl
HyperContent Project Developer
Before joining AIS last year, Adam worked in the consulting industry for Sapient Corporation and PricewaterhouseCoopers, working with clients such as JP Morgan, Lucent Technologies, Bear Sterns, and Freddie Mac. Proficient in JAVA, JSP, XML, XSL, HTML, and JavaScript, Adam is always looking for the opportunity to develop new technology skills. |
Paul Maya
As manager of the new AIS group, Enterprise System Services, Paul is responsible for three AIS technical teams. Last year he started up Web Production Services, that specializes in Web design and production for University departments. Paul also manages the Application Integration team, which provides frameworks and services to integrate campus applications into the MyColumbia portal. The Data Warehouse team maintains a repository of University data and offers online reporting and support for the retrieval and analysis of this data. Before coming to Columbia last spring, Paul's varied achievements included: cofounder and president of an award-winning Internet marketing company, inventor of two patent-pending software processes, and co-producer and director of a PBS documentary. |
Sara Nicholson
Sara has come from a busy design background where she has worked on projects for clients including Time Inc., Wendy's, Universal Studios, and Subaru. Now that she has found a nesting place, Sara oversees all creative and HTML production for client Websites produced by the AIS Web Production team. |
Cristian Virgili
Developer, University of Udine, Italy
Cristian provided a complete Italian localization for HyperContent v1.2, demonstrating the effectiveness of the new localization framework and opening up HyperContent to a whole new population of Italian speaking institutions. |
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