December 7, 2003
Introducing HyperContent version 1.2
(The product formerly known as CuCMS)
| The Java Architectures Special Interest Group (JA-SIG) is proud to announce general availability of HyperContent v1.2 , an open-source content management system used to manage a growing number of Columbia's websites. With dozens of major new features aimed at increasing usability, streamlining the management process and boosting power under the hood, this release confronts the problem of managing web content head-on. |
Using uPortal as a platform for management functions, HyperContent offers features including:
WYSIWYG markup editing
- DTD-driven XML editing
VCard editing with LDAP search
- Upload and download any file type
- History of document revisions
Authorization management
- XSLT for HTML and PDF presentation
Dublin Core and RDF metadata
Search content and metadata
- Localization and UTF-8 support
and much more! | |
| HyperContent is a professional-strength tool that allows content experts, designers, developers and administrators to fully achieve their responsibilities without getting in each others' way. The result is high-quality web content that can easily be kept up-to-date by the people who know the information best.
Want to learn more? Check out the documentation for HyperContent v1.2. |