Getting Started
System Requirements
Using the Content Manager
Authoring Content
Developing Sites
HyperContent requires JDK 1.4+ and uPortal 2.1+ to run; even if you do not already have a uPortal installation, you can quickly get up and running with both uPortal and HyperContent by downloading the uPortal 2.3.2 quick start and the HyperContent v1.4 distribution. The HyperContent distribution is pre-configured for installation into the uPortal 2.3.2 quick-start: once both packages are downloaded and unzipped, just drag the HyperContent distribution folder into the uPortal quick-start folder. First, open a command prompt, and run:
./ant.sh hsql

or on windows:

ant hsql

Next, in a different command window, execute the following command:
./ant.sh -buildfile HyperContent1_4/build.xml

or on windows

ant -buildfile HyperContent1_4\build.xml

This runs the default HyperContent install target, which will deploy media, properties, libraries, repositories and publish the Content Manager channel.

If this completes without any errors, you can start up the portal application server. Before doing this the first time, it is recommended that you increase tomcat's memory allocation, as the default of 64 MB is insufficient for advanced use of HyperContent (such as spell checking and building large sites). You can do this by adding this tag in the uPortal ant script 'build.xml', in the 'tomcatstart' target after the classpath element:
< jvmarg value="-Xmx256M"/>

You start the application server with the command
./ant.sh tomcatstart

or on windows

ant tomcatstart

Access the portal by going to http://localhost:8080/uPortal in a browser window. Log in with the username admin and password admin, and go to the Preferences section to subscribe to the Content Manager channel. At this point, you are ready to proceed to the next section of the manual.

If you would like to install HyperContent into an existing installation of uPortal, or want information on other available ant targets, read the Installation chapter for details on how to configure the ant scripts for deployment. If you are upgrading from HyperContent 1.2 or 1.3, it is recommended that you run the "undeploy" ant target from the previous version before upgrading, to eliminate the possibility of library conflicts.