Getting Started
System Requirements
Using the Content Manager
Authoring Content
Developing Sites
HyperContent is a server-side java application, and is accessed via a browser. The GUI runs as a channel inside uPortal. Therefore, the software requirements on the server side are
  • Java version 1.4+
  • Web application server (e.g. tomcat)
  • Web server (e.g. apache, or tomcat standalone)
  • uPortal 2.1.x, 2.2.x or 2.3.x
On the client side, basic functionality is available to any javascript-enabled browser, but WYSIWYG editing requires either
  • Internet Explorer 5.5+ (on the PC - 6 recommended)
  • Mozilla 1.3+ (Mac, PC, Linux, etc. - 1.5 recommended)
Server hardware

It is highly recommended that you have at least 192 MB of physical memory free and allocated to the JVM running uPortal and HyperContent. HyperContent build performance is constrained equally by disk and CPU speed; while there are no minimum requirements for CPU or disk speed, optimum performance will be achieved with a 1+Ghz processor and a 7200+ rpm drive.