Getting Started
System Requirements
Using the Content Manager
Authoring Content
Developing Sites
Installation of HyperContent is automated through the use of an Ant script. The file build.properties in the hypercontent distribution directory has three configureable properties which you can use to control where the files are installed:
  • deploy This property should point to the filesystem path of the deployed uPortal web application; this will be used to determine where media and libraries should be installed, as well as allowing HyperContent to reference uPortal libraries for compilation.
  • common.lib This property should point to the common/lib directory of tomcat, or a similar directory that stores libraries available to the uPortal process but not stored under the uPortal web application.
  • runtime.dir This property is misleadingly named on purpose; it is used to specify where the cucms-repositories directory will be installed. It is easiest to set this to the path of the directory which is the context of the application server; this allows HyperContent to use relative paths to reference repositories. If you set this to another directory, you will also need to change the filesystem declarations in the Projects.xml property file, and in the sample project configuration, to point to the appropriate path. The sample project configuration file can be edited with HyperContent running, by opening the HyperContent Project Definitions project and editing the hypercontent-site.xml document under the projects directory.
The file build.xml contains the following ant targets:
  • install (default) - calls deploy, publish, copyzips and creates cucms build directories under the uPortal web application
  • publish publishes the Content Manager channel into uPortal - requires database access.
  • deploy This target deploys HyperContent media, properties, and libraries into the uPortal web application
  • copyzips copies the bootstrap and sample-project data from zip files into directories under ${runtime.dir}/cucms-repositories/
  • uninstall calls unpublish and undeploy, and deletes cucms repositories and build directories (warning: this will delete any changes you have made to data in these directories!)
  • unpublish This target unpublishes the Content Manager channel from uPortal (requires database access)
  • undeploy This target removes HyperContent media, properties, and libraries from the uPortal web application
  • compile This target compiles the source files under the source directory, into the classes directory.
  • jar This target compiles the sources, copies in stylesheets, and creates a fresh HyperContent  jar file