Getting Started
Using the Content Manager
Authoring Content
Developing Sites
Project Definition Files
Path patterns
Content Types
XML Content
RDF: Extensible Metadata
Dublin Core Metadata
VCard Metadata
XML Includes
XSL Transformations
Non-XML Content
Ignored Directories
Navigation and Site Maps
HyperContent provides an extensible framework for plugging in web content authoring tools, which are referred to as editors. Any number of editors can be applied to the same file, enabling a tailored mix-and-match authoring environment. For example, the Dublin Core Metadata Editor can be combined with the Image Editor on a JPEG file, with the XML editor for an XML file, or with the Upload/Download editor for a Microsoft Word document. Additional custom editors can be implemented using the IEditor interface, or the older IFileEditorServantFactory interface.

Editor configuration

All editors are configured in the Editors.xml configuration file, which maps an instance of either editor API to a key which can be used to reference that editor in project definition files and in the ContentTypes.xml global configuration file.

The global configuration sets up default associations of editors with MIME types; in a project definition, those defaults can be overridden at the project level, or at the level of an xml-doc, xml-doctype or resource-directory.

< editor >
Editors are configured with this tag. Multiple editors are configured with several editor tags, and the document order in which they are listed controls the order in which they appear on screen.

key =
The key of the desired editor, as mapped in the Editors.xml document

Included Editors

There are nine editors included with HyperContent, all described in the Authoring section of this manual. Here is a list of each editor, by the key used to refer to it.

DTD-based XML editing with WYSIWYG XHTML enabled for any xml element with the name 'html'. Only used for xml documents.
Supports all 15 of the Dublin Core Metadata terms, which may be applied to files of any content type.
Plain text editing, useful for any type of text file (e.g. DTDs, javascript, CSS)
Allows upload and download of files from the desktop to the server. Useful for any file type, especially arbitrary binary files.
Allows VCard contact information to be stored in metadata. Recommended for use with XML files, which may contain additional data about the person.
Configures build-time options for a file, including ad-hoc XML Includes, hiding the file, and specifying a replacement for the file (similar to filesystem linking).
Crop and resize photos directly in the browser, with built in support for GIF, JPEG and PNG with automated conversions.
Spell checker. As shipped, it can check words in XML elements and in Dublin Core title, description and keywords.
Drag-and drop reordering of navigation items, plus easy addition of links and relabeling of items.