HyperContent provides a filtering architecture to allow unlimited possibilities in the manipulation of XML content. This architecture allows you to implement custom filters using the IPublicationFilter interface, and declare the filters in the Filters.xml properties file. Filters can be configured for any form of output of an xml-doc or xml-doctype in a HyperContent project definition using a filter tag.
< filter >
key =
The key of the filter as configured in Filters.xml.
A filter tag can also have any number of with-param child elements allowing you to pass arbitrary parameters to the filter via its setParameters() method.
< with-param >
The name of the parameter
The value of the parameter
Built in Filters
HyperContent has two filters built in which allow you to extract data from XML files with VCard metadata:
Used to extract the JPEG photo from VCard metadata. Use this filter if you want to output the image from a VCard as a separate file.
Use this filter to output a standard .vcf vcard file, which is compatible with most major email clients and personal information management software. This filter recognizes two parameters:
fold = (true | false)
indicates whether the VCard should have long lines folded to the standard maximum width of 75 characters per line. Defaults to true.
photo = (true | false)
indicates whether the photo should be included as standard base64 encoded binary data. Some, though not all clients will import this photo with the vcf file, and it will significantly increase the size of the file.
An additional filter is provided which allows for the resolution of navigation templates at build time. See the navigation chapter for more information.
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